Monday, December 16, 2013


We have not used this site since January of 2009 so it's been a very long time. Rather that telling you what we've been doing since then I think we'll share what we are about to do in the near future. We are still working for 3 months each winter in the South as we have been doing for several years in Florida but are about to start a new chapter in that part of our lives. This winter we will be working at the Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge in Sherman, Texas. We will be enjoying family, friends AND SNOW until mid January when we will begin our journey to Texas. Until then I won't be posting too much but once we hit the road I hope to blog fairly often, telling you about our journey and our work this winter. If you have any interest in following our blog you can link to it and know when something new has been added. I'm pretty rusty in using this site but I will come back up to speed as we go so please be patient. In the meantime, why not check out the refuge where we will be working. I will include a link to the "Friends of Hagerman" site which is full of very current photos. It can be found at . We have spent 4 winters in Central Florida so, in preparation for more traveling in new areas at greater distances from home, we have downsized from our 32 footer and now tow a 19 foot travel trailer. It is much smaller but much lighter and easier to maneuver on the highway as well as in traffic. I'll include photos in future posts so you can see what we live in out the 'ON THE ROAD'.(if I can remember how to do that on this site) Thanks for checking out the site and keep your eyes open for future posts. In the meantime, enjoy the holidays wherever life may have taken you. Please try to remember that Jesus is, indeed, the true reason for the season. In all the hustle and bustle it's easy to forget. This is when we remember God's unbelievable act of love in becoming a man and allowing himself to assume the absolutely dependent form of a newborn, in the most humble of beginnings. All of God's best to you and....we'll be seeing you out there 'ON THE ROAD.'

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