Sunday, November 16, 2008


This post won't be too long today but we wanted to say "Hi" to all you who are following our journey. We are having a little more trouble finding places with WIFI where we can connect at a time convenient to our schedule. This afternoon we are sitting in a Panera Bread store in Sebring sipping our coffee and tea and catching up on our emails of the last 3 or 4 days. If you have written to us we appologize for taking so long to reply.

Yesterday we took some time to look around the city of Sebring. We went to an outdoor flea market where there was everything from fresh picked fruit to squares of freshly cut sod, yup SOD. I guess it's like instant lawn, one square foot at a time. Well we discovered Red Navel Oranges. They are very tasty and the inside is as bright red as fresh red bought a 1/4 bushel and are enjoying them. We took time out to sit in the city park at Lake Jackson where we enjoyed the fresh breezes, watched geckos scamper accross the sidewalk in front of us and soaked up some more Florida sunshine.

I shared something with a couple from our former church in Fowler which I will share with all of you. We tried a different church this morning. It met in the clubhouse of a local RV Retirement Community. There were nearly 400 people there and it was a really nice service. Their pastor, a retired Lutheran, was a very humble, down to earth man. He was being honored for his 30th year in ministry and for completing his 5th year at this church. He and his wife gave their testimony as to how God called them out of a “normal” job in the auto industry and working into ministry in a very unusual way. I kept looking at Fran and smiling. His first church asked him to come and preach for one or two Sundays and, the next thing he knew, he was candidating and was called as their pastor where he served for many years. Can you imagine that?

Tomorrow we will be heading to Okeechobee to remove all the equipment and furniture in a restaurant there which was donated to Highlands County Habitat for Humanity.

It will be a nice change of pace and a BIG change in temperature. Last night a cold front "blew through", littereally. Our trailer got to rockin' and rollin' during the night. We felt like we were trying to sleep on the old Iron Pig. If you know of us and our past that last sentence will make sense. Anyhow, along with the winds we now have forcasts with the highs around 72 degrees. That will certainly make working out in the sun a little different for us "soft" Yankees.

We are seeing truck loads (10 wheelers) of oranges on the highway fairly regularly.

Some are picked very green while others have the more common bright orange color all of us Yankees are used to. As I said before, a future post will include more of what we have learned about the citrus industry.

Today we just wanted to check in with all of you who follow our blog. We are overstaying our welcome here at the Panera bread store so we will close out this edition of "On the Road" and get out there "on the road" ourselves. Actually, we are still wearing our "church clothes" at 4 in the afternoon so it's probably about time we headed back to our home on wheels.

Thanks for checking in on us. We love you all and look forward to meeting you again soon out here "on the road".

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