Sunday, October 26, 2008


We finished our first week at the Siler City build on Saturday. We had a nice surpise at the jobsite yesterday (Saturday) when our daughter, Jenn, showed up midafternoon with a plastic pumpkin filled with CHOCOATE!!! We knew she was planning to come by to check out the build on her day off but everyone was surprised to meet her and all enjoyed her bucket of candy. It was a great way to get a little boost of energy to finish off our week.

This morning (Sunday) Frannie and I drove to Cary, NC (about an hour) to attend church with Jenn. Frannie had to make a quick stop in the "powder room" at Jenn's home and then next thing I heard was her cry for "HELP!" I rushed to the bathroom to find that the hot water knob had broken off in Fran's hand and the hot water was gushing straight up into the ceiling and spraying all over the bathroom. Everyone went into crisis mode with towels, wrenches, flashlights and all. The light in the bathroom blew with all the water on it and finally the water was shut down. Crisis averted.

Checking the clock, making it to church on time was going to be close but, with Jenn at the wheel, knowing the short cuts, we made it to church just as the praise band was warming up the congregation. It is a very new church which meets in a building which looks very much like a warehouse. They are currently holding two Sunday morning services with lots of praise and worship music and a positive message from their pastor. It is already an active and outreaching church family.

After church we made a stop at Lowes to pick up the parts necessary to fix the broken faucet and, after a stop for a little lunch, we returned to her home and got out the Mr. Fix It tools while Frannie did some laundry. After all those years when Jenn was in college and came home for visits accompanied by her baskets of laundry, mom and dad finally had the chance to bring their dirty laundry to her house. :)

We had rain much of yesterday with some clearing and even a few minutes of sunshine in the afternoon. With three houses under construction at various stages of completion there is lots of outside and inside work so when the raindrops start to fall equipment and volunteers can move indoors and keep right on working. Today has been beautiful with temps in the 70's. A cold front is on the way with temps anticipated to settle in at the mid 50's to 60.

We have received initial information about our second build, in Sebring, FL. We will be staying at a 4H Campground. We will learn more of the specifics at our orientation meeting on our first Sunday.

We plan to set up a site at Flickr. com to post photos as we take them. We will post the link on this blog site as soon as it's up in case any of you would like to 'see' what we have been doing. We have received emails from several of you. Thanks for writing. It helps us stay connected with y'all.

I'll close with another story from this week's experiences. After work on Thursday, Frannie and I drove to a local quilt shop (there's a surprise). It's in an old gas station, the style with two posts supporting a roof over the gas pump. It's hard to miss it 'cause it's painted completely in a bright pink! Well, as Frannie was checking out an amazing collection of quilting "stuff", etc., I decided to take a nap in the truck. A few minutes later the owner of the store walked out past the cars and right up to our truck. I sat up and said hi and she handed me a paper towel with a scoop of something soft and brownish on it. She asked, "Have y'all ever tasted persimmon puddin' ?" She continued, "One of my customers just brought me some and I gave your wife a taste. She really liked it so I thought you ought to try it too." There it was again, real southern hospitality. Oh, by the way, that "persimmon puddin' " was pretty darn good too! Love to y'all and we'll see you "on the road".

1 comment:

Rinnie said...

I've never known Bob to pass up some good ol' "persimmon puddin'" or any puddin' for that matter! I wouldn't either. :-) Glad to hear you are doing well! Miss you and love you!