Tuesday, October 28, 2008


We woke up this morning to an outside temp of 35 degrees. It feels kinda cold for this neck of the woods. After a hot breakfast of oatmeal (yes, Bob actually asked for it) we got dressed for the cold and headed to the work site. There was no visible frost but when Bob went back to the pile of insulation board he was able to gather up enough frost to make a real, live SNOWBALL! We're told that the weather will stay like this for the first part of the week and there is a widespread frost warning for the entire area tonight. I know what most of you Yankees are thinkin'...BIG DEAL! :)

Our Americorp kids are off to Taladega, Alabama for a week of orientation so our crew consisted of the two construction supervisors, Jack and Gabriela, a couple of great local volunteers and our Care-A-Vanners team of 5. As the weather warmed so did we and it turned out to be a great and sunny day.

I have set up a site where we will post lots of photos as we go. Any time you'd like to check out new photos just click on this address: http://www.flickr.com/photos/yankeepreacher/ It doesn't seem possible that we are in our second week of building and that we will be leaving these folks in just a few days but the chill in the air is reminding us that there is more work waiting for us to the south.

One final note. The folks from the Chatham Habitat For Humanity office have been out to visit the work site several times and tell us that there are photos posted of our team, the volunteers and the work being done. It is on their website. To check it out just click on the following link: http://www.chathamhabitat.org/detail.php?s=4

This morning's devotion began with a story and then a scripture. I'll post it here in case you'd like to read it too.

“Who Are You Workin’ For?”
Habitat Devotion – Siler City, NC
October 28, 2008

In the days of the stagecoach, a man undertook a journey. He was informed that there were first, second, and third class passengers. However, all the seats on the coach looked alike to him, so he purchased a third-class ticket. All went well for a time and the man was congratulating himself upon saving some money. Presently they came to the foot of a very steep hill, when the driver stopped the horses and shouted, “First-class passengers, keep your seats, second-class get out and walk, third-class get out and push.” What we need in the family of God is more third-class passengers. Those who will push! Not first-class, who are contented to sit and look on while the others are working, not second-class passengers who walk away when real work comes; but third-class passengers who are willing to get out there and push!

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, 24 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” Colossians 3:23, 24

Do you want your life to really mean something in the long run? Do you want it to have value in God’s eyes? Put your faith to work! Find new opportunities for service but remember, it’s not about you…it’s about God.

“… let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16

Thanks for checking up on us and to those of you who leave comments or send us emails (at yankeepreacher2@gmail.com ) thank you. We always enjoy hearing from friends and family back home. God bless. As always, we look forward to seeing you "on the road".

1 comment:

Rinnie said...

HAHAHA...you're right, I am thinkin' BIG DEAL!! You saw the pics I sent...snowland here!