Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Well, Christmas season has come and gone and our thoughts, and energies, are turning to the journey ahead. Fran is making final preparations in the house as we get things ready for our drive to Texas. As I mentioned in the last blog, we traded in our 32 foot travel trailer and are now towing a 19 footer. Since it weighs much less than the big trailer we have also downsized our tow vehicle to a Ram 1500, gasoline powered truck. We kinda miss that Diesel rumble when we start up but now we can have a comfortable conversation or hear the phone, etc. when we are cruising down the road. We hope to be leaving in mid-January so there really isn't a lot of time to get things done around here. As many of you already know we had and ice storm here just before Christmas which caused lots of damage to trees as well as a loss of power. We experienced both so there has been some time for cleanup of downed trees along with everything else. Now the weather has turned very cold as the Northeast goes into the deep freeze for a few days. Texas is sounding better all the time. We won't see Florida-like temps but that's ok. It'll be warmer than it is up here right now. As I type this blog the outside temp is -5 with the forecast for lots colder temps in the next couple of days. That's a quick update. Once we hit the road I'll have more to share. In the meantime, have a Happy New Year and we'll be seeing you out there "On The Road".